
Virtual Team Building Events

Activity Description

Activity Overview

Utilizing a blindfold, one participant allows another to walk about while using only non-verbal clues. The debriefing takes each of the partners in the exercise through communication, trust, and other challenges that leaders face.


  • To develop trust among program participants (this will make their experiences mutually rewarding).
  • To help participants experience the meaning of “leader” versus “follower.”
  • To learn the value of nonverbal communication.

Training Methods

  • Movement
  • Discussion
  • Reflection

Equipment Needed

One blindfold per pair of participants 

Room Setup

A safe, open area

This activity is most suitable only in an environment that is safe for conducting since involves a walk while blindfolded. Use it only with people who will respond well and learn from it. If anyone indicates he/she is uncomfortable doing this, be sure to respect their wishes.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Introduce the topic by explaining the importance of building trust among those we lead. Refer to the dynamics and activities of professional workshops (including this one), where colleagues and often complete strangers share ideas and experiences to derive the most
    benefit from the program.
  2. Divide participants into two equal groups. Have one group stand and the other sit. Instruct those seated to close their eyes. Ask those who are standing to silently walk around and mentally select a seated partner. They should then stand behind that person’s chair and tie a blindfold on him or her without revealing their identity or giving clues.
  3. Explain that the “sighted” partners will guide their blindfolded partners on a 5-minute walk using only nonverbal directions. The guides must use the entire environment (rooms, hallways, stairs, and outdoors), but they must always consider their partner’s safety and willingness to try a new experience. Allow only 5 minutes for the walk-about. After 4 minutes, give a 1-minute warning.
  4. When everyone has returned, allow the “blind” participants to remove their blindfolds to see who guided them. Then have the pairs compare their experiences using these questions:

    For blindfolded partners:
    – Did you have any idea of your leader’s identity?
    – What did your leader do that made your walk easy or difficult?
    – How do you feel toward your partner now?

    For sighted partners:
    – What made this task difficult for you?
    – How did you plan your walk?
    – How do you feel toward your partner now?

  5. Reassemble and compare notes on the experience, focusing on the importance of trust.
  6. Reverse the roles, but change partners so that the blindfolded partner is led by someone new. Explain that this second round gives the new leaders a chance to apply what they learned while being led. After the 5-minute walk, have partners discuss the questions in Step 3.
  7. Lead a summary discussion with the total group. Review the experience itself and relate it to the content of your workshop. Ask these questions of the group, and allow volunteers to respond:

– How can the trust walk enhance our remaining time together?
– How can you improve the way you communicate, from now on?
– What did this teach you about the role of a follower, versus the role of a leader?

Activity Review

Take time shortly after conducting this activity to ponder on how it went, how engaged the participants were, and what questions they raised. Then, make notes that include how much time you actually spent on the activity.

Trust : The Glue That Holds It Together

Basic Details
Property Type : Team Building
Listing Type : Placeholder
Activity Type : Team Building
Focus On : Build Trust, Communication, Having Fun, Leadership
Outcome Based : Yes
Facilities : Indoor
Props Required : Minor
Duration : 26+ minutes
Exertion Level : Low
Group Size : 1 - 8, 9 - 16, 17 - 30
Age : Adults